Archives in Non-Fiction Bibliography
Hammer, Joshua. The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu: And Their Race to Save the World's Most Precious Manuscripts. New York: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2016
Bishop, Ted. The Social Life of Ink: Culture Wonder And Our Relationship With The Written Word. Canada: Viking, 2014.
Johnson, Marilyn. This Book Is Overdue!: How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All.
Merish, Lori. Archives of Labor: Working-Class Women and Literary Culture in the Antebellum United States.
Kosnik, Abigail. Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom.
Burns, Kathryn. Into the Archive: Writing and Power in Colonial Peru.
Cohen, Phil. Archive That, Comrade!: Left Legacies and Counter Culture Remembrance​.
Friedrich, Markus. Birth of the Archive: A History of Knowledge.
Weiner, Robert G. Graphic Novels and Comics in Libraries and Archives: Essays on Readers, Research, History and Cataloging​.
Vakin, Judy, Karyn Stuckey, and Victoria Lane. All This Stuff: Archiving the Artist.
Sukys, Julija. Epistolophilia: Writing the Life of Ona Simaite.
Dry, Sarah. The Newton Papers: The Strange and True Odyssey of Isaac Newton’s Manuscripts​.
Salisbury, Laney and Aly Sujo. Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Modern Art.
Smith, Carrie and Lisa Stead. The Boundaries of the Literary Archive: Reclamation and Representation​.
Giannachi, Gabriella. Archive Everything: Mapping the Everyday.
Weinberger, David. Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder​.
Theimer, Kate. Well, What Came Next?: Selections from ArchivesNext, 2007-2017​.
Leff, Lisa Moses. The Archive Thief: The Man Who Salvaged French Jewish History in the Wake of the Holocaust​.
Downey, Anthony. Dissonant Archives: Contemporary Visual Culture and Contested Narratives in the Middle East​.
Daston, Lorraine. Science in the Archives: Pasts, Presents, Futures.
Redman, Samuel J. Bone Rooms: From Scientific Racism to Human Prehistory in Museums​.
Stoler, Ann Laura. Along the Archival Grain: Epistemic Anxieties and Colonial Common Sense​.
Weld, Kirsten. Paper Cadavers: The Archives of Dictatorship in Guatemala​.
Davis, Natalie Zemon. Fiction in the Archives: Pardon Tales and Their Teller in Sixteenth-Century France​.
Fuentes, Marisa J. Dispossessed Lives: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Archive​.
Cvetkovich, Ann. An Archive of Feelings: Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures​.
Reid-Pharr, Robert F. Archives of Flesh: African America, Spain, and Post-Humanist Critique​.
Chaudhuri, Nupur, Sherry J. Katz, and Mary Elizabeth Perry. Contesting Archives: Finding Women in the Sources.
Cantrell, Jaime and Amy L. Stone. Out of the Closet, Into the Archives: Researching Sexual Histories.
Lockwood, J. Samaine. Archives of Desire: The Queer Historical Work of New England Regionalism​.